The Closest hotspot for birding in CuscoHuacarpay Lake Birding Tours

Here you will find the most exciting exciting birds near Cusco City
Morning Departures from 5:30 AM
From $120 $100
Easy Birding to Growth your List!
From $190 $150
Early Booking Discounts
From $1050 $990
Discounts on Fixed Departures
From $1250 $1200
Manu National Park Tours are the perfect way to experience the spectacular beauty of the Amazon rainforest. From the wildlife to the unique cultures, you will be sure to have a memorable and unforgettable experience. So, what are you waiting for? Book your tour today and start exploring!
RUC 20603494521
Contact Us
Calle Los Majeños 206 - APV. Virgen del Carmen
San Sebastián- Cusco - Peru
Phone (WhatApps)
+51 964422262
+51 972999987